
  • 2020/11/7
    Ritai diffusion filter successfully delivered lg Display Optoelectronics Technology (China) Co., LTD
    The diffusion filter produced by our company was successfully delivered to Lg Display Optoelectronic Technology (China) Co., LTD and put into use.Maximum nominal diameter DN600, nominal pressure PN10 in this batch of diffusion filters. The diffusion filter is generally installed at the pump inlet.Save installation space (only 1/3 of the old-fashioned size) compared to traditional Y-type filters.At the same time, it is provided with a guide plate structure, which can guide the flow direction of the fluid and reduce its flow velocity to produce steady flow.It can not only protect the pump to prolong the service life of the pump, but also prevent the generation of cavitation.

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  • 2020/11/7
    Ritai valve provides settlement solution for zhoushan Xiaogan Sewage Treatment Plant
    Due to the factors such as earthquake, temperature difference, soft soil and external load, the pipe will have certain elongation and displacement in the process of using.When the elongation and deformation is slight, the pipe will leak due to the failure of sealing at the connection, and even cause the pipe to break in severe cases.If the damaged pipeline belongs to buried pipeline, it requires a lot of material resources to find the breaking point and dig the ground before maintenance.At the same time the maintenance of the pipeline for a long time off water will also cause a serious impact on normal production and life. Entrusted by Zhoushan Sewage Treatment Co., LTD., Zhejiang Province, our company controlled the design, production, commissioning and other aspects layer by

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  • 2020/11/7
    The company arranged production of valve station system of RH project of Baosteel Desheng in an orderly manner according to schedule
    Ritai valve was successfully shortlisted in The RH project of Baosteel Desheng, and the winning package covers valve station system and valve products.After the start of the project order, the company will arrange the production according to the client's project schedule to ensure the timely delivery of qualified products.

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  • 2020/11/6
    The valve order for The Tabella Hydropower Station project in Pakistan has been delivered successfully
    The valve order for The Tabella Hydropower Station project in Pakistan has been delivered successfully. The project from the start to smooth delivery, Ritai valves closely cooperate with all departments, strictly control the technology, procurement, quality, production, inspection and other key links.Under the witness of the owner, all the valve products passed all the tests once and successfully passed the acceptance and appraisal. Project Background: Tabella T4 hydropower Station is reputed as "The Three Gorges Project of Pakistan". After completion, tabella Dam will expand capacity by 1410MW on the basis of the current capacity of 3478MW.As an important livelihood project in Pakistan, The Tabella T4 hydropower Station has been highly concerned b

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  • 2020/10/16
    What are the advantages of low temperature gate valves in service?
    The reason why the valve has a good sealing effect in the process of use, is because it needs effective transport and contact medium in the process of use, low temperature gate valve is also widely used in the current market, we can see in the actual selection process what are the specific advantages of use?The products manufactured by professional manufacturers have a longer service life and can also bring a lot of convenience. The fluid resistance is small, the sealing surface erosion effect is small In choosing a cryogenic valve at ordinary times, can find the product range is very widely used in the market now, we need to know is the product in the actual design process has the characteristics of, because the fluid resistance is small, so the sealing face in use

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  • 2020/10/9
    The diversified utilization of clean power generation has embarked on the path of nuclear energy with Chinese characteristics
    On September 28, China Power Investment Corporation announced the landmark achievement of China's third-generation nuclear independence -- China's independent nuclear power technology brand and the world's advanced third-generation nuclear power model "Guohe No.1" in Shanghai. A year ago in September 2019, the State Council Information Office of China's first white paper on nuclear safety - white paper points out that China's nuclear safety, formed a complete system of nuclear industry, China's nuclear cause for energy security, protect the ecological environment, improving people's living standards, promote economic made important contributions to the development of high quality are also out of a nuclear safety road with Chinese characteristics. Third and fourth generatio

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  • 2020/9/25
    Chemical valve selection
    Corrosion has long been one of the most troublesome hazards of chemical equipment. A slight mistake can damage the equipment, or even cause accidents or disasters.According to relevant statistics, about 60% of the destruction of chemical equipment is caused by corrosion, so in the selection of chemical valve should first pay attention to the scientific nature of material.There is usually a misunderstanding, that stainless steel is "universal material", no matter what medium and environmental conditions hold out the stainless steel valve, this is a great mistake. Chemical valve material should be based on the different media, specific analysis of specific problems, not one size fits all.The following for some common chemical media to talk about the selection of

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  • 2020/8/26
    How to identify valve identification paint?
    The outer surface of the valve should be painted out of the factory, the paint layer should be durable, beautiful rules, and ensure that the mark is clear. 1, valve products according to the body material to identify the paint, the color according to the table Body material Gray cast iron, malleable cast iron Nodular cast iron Carbon steel Acid resistant steel, stainless steel Alloy steel Identify paint color Black Silver Medium grey Sky blue Medium blue Note: acid resistant steel and stainless steel are not allowed to be painted, and copper alloy is not allowed to be painted

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  • 2020/8/26
    Domestic VS imported valve, how will you choose?
    Domestic VS imported valve, how will you choose?As the saying goes, "the moon is bright at home," but now more and more people admire foreign imports.In the industrial sector, the trend is slowly spreading.Just say a common valve, same material, same function, the price of imported goods can be multiplied several times.Imported valve products in the price set their own unique style, but even if expensive, people still flock to. Is the inlet valve really that good?Where is the gap between domestic valve and imported valve?How can we close these gaps? The term "imported goods" refers to the products that are imported in their original packaging. From research and development to production, they are entirely in the place of origin of foreign countries, and foreign standards are

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  • 2020/8/26
    Oil and gas exploration goes deep
    The National Energy Administration recently issued the guidelines for Energy Work in 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).The Opinions emphasized that multiple measures should be taken simultaneously to enhance the capacity of oil and gas security.Among them, "increase oil and gas exploration and development efforts" is listed as the first task."Why the emphasis on oil and gas exploration when oil prices are so low and you can buy oil abroad?"In the face of public doubts, Jin Zhijun, director of the State Key Laboratory of Shale Oil and Gas Enrichment and Effective Exploitation and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told China Science Daily that oil and gas, like food and water, have become human necessities and strategic materials related to national securit

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